4 Top Pointers for Your Family Photo Session // Seattle Family Photographer
Congrats on booking your photo session! You’re wondering what’s next, right?
In this quick post, I’ll walk you through my top 4 tips and most asked client questions to help you prep for our time together. These tips will help your family photo session be set up for success = fun.
Choose a Location that Means Something to You
Is there a favorite park or neighborhood you spend time together? And that you think is beautiful? Let’s start there. It can be choose a setting you and your family are familiar with, especially if you have small children. If you need help choosing, I’m here to help. Part of my job is to help make these recommendations and also scope out locations ahead of time to check conditions onsite (lighting, etc).
Book Your Photoshoot During Good Light
While I do photograph in all lighting conditions (especially typically Seattle grey in winter), I do recommend thinking about timing of your session. It makes a huge difference when lighting is considered into your photoshoot equation. Right time of day + beautiful light = glowing, flattering photos of you.
For morning, think right after SUNRISE.
For late afternoons in winter or evenings in summer, aim for about an hour before SUNSET. I know this can be challenging if you have kids and have bedtimes, but I promise it’ll be worth staying for.
Don’t Overthink Your Outfits, Don’t Match
I know you probably don’t have a lot of time to plan out things like outfits so don’t overthink it. And, don’t match. Coordinate, instead. Choosing 2-3 colors, max. No crazy patterns or logos. Try them on or see how they work (or don’t work) together by laying them out on your bed. The most important thing is you’re comfortable (i.e. dress for the weather that day) and FEEL AWESOME WEARING YOUR CLOTHES.
Personalize Your Photo Session Using Props
To create an even more personalized experience, I recommend bringing a few items that are meaningful for you and your family. For example for families with little kids, sometimes bringing their favorite stuffed animal and having them be featured can really help kids be comfortable. Or if you’re expecting a baby, bring the ultrasound photos and little booties. I like to capture the overall big picture and small details for each session to make it unique to you.